Amarillo High School

50th Alumni Association




The name of the organization shall be Amarillo High School 50th Alumni Association (hereafter referred to as the Association). . It is a non-profit 501 (c) (3), organized in 1989 by a representative group of former students from Amarillo High School Class of 1938.



Section 1. To provide a venue for fellowship, interaction

and correspondence among former students of AHS, of a class which has attained its 50th anniversary of graduation from Amarillo High School.

Section 2. To foster the enrichment of education at Amarillo High School.

Section 3. To provide scholarships to worthy AHS graduates who present a need for financial assistance to continue their education.

Section 4. To provide funding to help sustain, maintain

and perpetuate the Amarillo High School Art Collection on exhibit at Amarillo High School, which was started by the late R.B. Norman, Principal from 1929 to 1961. 

Section 5.  To provide funding to maintain

and perpetuate the Hall of Honor Monument at Amarillo High School.  To provide funding to add qualified names to the monument.  Qualified names would be those former Amarillo High School students who lost their lives in a war or other armed conflict while participating in the military service for the United States of America.

Section 6.  To provide funding to maintain

and perpetuate the Historical Marker erected by the Association at 12th

and Polk.



Section 1. Memberships are available to all former students of AHS who are graduates or non-graduates of a class which has attained its 50th anniversary status, by paying applicable dues. Dues will be determined by the Board of Directors.

Section 2. Associate memberships are available to all former AHS students, graduates or non-graduates, of a class which has not reached its 50th anniversary status and to spouses of paid members and associate members. Dues will be determined by the Board of Directors.

Section 3. Honorary memberships are available to any staff person or former staff person of AHS and to any worthy supporters of the Association as approved by the Board of Directors.

Section 4. Only members whose applicable dues are currently paid are eligible to vote or to become officers or members of the Board of Directors. Associate members and honorary members are not eligible to vote or serve as officers and board members.



Section 1. Three membership meetings shall be held annually. These meetings shall be held on the third Thursday of February, June and October at 2:30 p.m. to inform members of Board actions and to provide an opportunity for members to have input regarding governance and projects.

Section 2. Special meetings may be called at the discretion of the Board of Directors.



Section 1. Election of officers shall be held at the business meeting segment of the membership meeting held every three years in conjunction with the AHS 50th Alumni Association Reunion.

Section 2. Officers of the Association shall be: President, First Vice President, Second Vice President, Secretary, Historian, and Immediate Past President.

Section 3.  Officers will serve three year terms.

Section 4. In event of resignation, death or inability on the part of an officer or officers to serve, the Board of Directors shall appoint a member of the Association to serve for the unexpired term of that officer.

Section 5.  The Executive Committee shall consist of the elected officers of the Association and shall act in the capacity of the Board between Board meetings.  All actions of this committee shall be reported at the next Board meeting.



Section 1. The President shall be the principal executive officer of the Association and shall in general supervise and control the business and affairs of the Association. The President shall preside at all meetings of the membership and Board of Directors. The President shall sign, with the Secretary and/or other proper officers authorized by the Board of Directors, any documents or instruments which the Board of Directors has authorized to be executed; and in general, shall perform all duties incidental to the office of President and such other duties as may be prescribed by the Board of Directors from time to time.

Section 2. The First Vice President shall assume all presidential duties and responsibilities in the absence of the President, and shall function as otherwise set forth in these bylaws.

Section 3. The Second Vice President shall serve as Public Relations Chairman and will publicize the activities and the benefits of membership of the organization.

Section 4. The Secretary shall transcribe and maintain records of the proceedings of all Board and membership meetings; assist the President in the arrangements and organization of all meetings and notify board members of time and location of all regular and called board Meetings.

Section 5. The Historian shall keep the archives of the Association in an orderly manner in order to present a clear record of the progress of the Association and to keep records as completely as possible of members of past graduating classes, their whereabouts and status. This will provide a record of AHS graduates from the past and facilitate their notification of meetings, reunions etc, and will provide a history of the Association’s activities so that future members and officers will be able to accurately further the purpose and goals of the Association.

Section 6. The Immediate past President shall automatically be an officer and a member of the Board and shall give counsel and advice concerning operation of the Association.



Section 1.  The Board of Directors shall consist of all currently elected officers, the Immediate Past President, and an appointed member fron each class that reaches their 50th anniversary.  Each board member shall hold office until a successor has been elected or appointed.

Section 2. The Board of Directors shall have the authority to transact all general business of the Association; to act upon all matters concerning the membership; approve all programs and activities; approve the annual budget and all budgeted and unbudgeted expenditures. They shall approve all proposed amendments to the bylaws before presentation to the membership.

Section 3. The Board of Directors shall meet at the call of the President. A special meeting may be called by the President or by two (2) board members with three (3) days prior notice to each board member by telephone, email or mail. The person or persons authorized to call special meetings for the Board may select the place for holding any special meetings of the Board called by them.

Section 4. A majority of board members shall constitute a quorum at any regular or special meeting of the Board of Directors.



Section 1. Committees may be established as deemed necessary by the Board of Directors. The President shall appoint the chairperson thereof. The chairperson shall appoint members to the committee.

Section 2. Each member of a committee shall serve until such time as the committee’s work is complete, or until a successor is appointed.

Section 3. The committee chairperson will report to the Board of Directors.



The rules contained in Robert’s Rule of Order Newly Revised shall govern the AHS 50h Alumni Association in all cases in which they are not inconsistent with the association bylaws.



Upon dissolution of the Amarillo High School 50th Alumni Association, the assets of the Association shall be distributed to the AHS Art Restoration Fund and/or the AHS 50th Alumni Association Scholarship Endowment at Amarillo College or Amarillo National Bank as determined by the then current Board of Directors. It is understood that any assets accrued at the time of dissolution must be distributed to exempt purposes within the meaning of Section 501 ( c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code, or corresponding section of any future tax code or shall be distributed to the federal government or to a state or local government for public purposes.



These bylaws may be amended at any membership meeting of the Association, by the affirmative vote of two-thirds of the members present. Voting will be conducted by show of hands or by voice vote; however, written ballots may be provided for this vote if requested by any member. Amendments may be proposed for consideration by any alumni member in good standing. However, no proposed amendment shall be put to vote unless written notice thereof, stating the proposed amendment, shall be given to each member by mail or personal delivery at least two weeks prior to the membership meeting at which the vote is to be taken. Notwithstanding this requirement, changes to proposed amendments to the bylaws that have been duly and properly announced two weeks in advance may be offered from the floor at the membership meeting and passed upon without having been announced two weeks in advance.



Procedures: the procedural rules for proper function of the Association, and must be in harmony with the approved bylaws. Procedures may be adopted, rescinded, or amended by a majority of the board members present at a Board of Directors meeting in which a quorum is present.

  1. NOTIFICATION OF MEMBERSHIP MEETING DATES: Members will be notified prior to each membership meeting.
  2. STANDING COMMITTEES; Standing committees shall be established as deemed necessary by the President and/or Board of Directors.
  3. NOMINATING COMMITTEE: No later than the third week of February, the President will appoint a nominating committee and name its chairperson. Such appointments shall be made the year in which a reunion will be held. The nominating committee will select a slate of officers to be presented to the general membership at the June meeting, after approval by the Board of Directors.
  4. APPOINTMENT OF ADVISORS TO ASSIST THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS: The President may appoint a legal advisor for the Board of Directors. (this advisor may/may not be a member of the Association and is generally not compensated for service to the Board and/or Association). The President shall have the privilege and authority to appoint other persons to advise or support the Board of Directors.
  5. ASSOCIATION REUNION: A reunion for members and prospective members will be held every three years in Amarillo, Texas in the fall of the year.
  6. ASSOCIATION PICNIC: An Association Picnic will be held annually on the first Saturday following August 12 of each year. A meal will be made available at a nominal cost. Tables and chairs may be provided.
  7. DONATIONS: The Association is authorized to accept donations and/or contributions from any alumnus, any graduating class and any other parties interested in Association projects. All contributions will be used in the manner designated by the donor.
  8. ANNUAL AUDIT: The Board of Directors shall arrange for an annual audit of financial records and accounts. The results of the audit will be reported at the next membership meeting following completion of the audit.
  9. SCHOLARSHIPS: Scholarships are awarded annually to worthy Amarillo High School graduating seniors. The Selections Committee is composed of the Board of Directors of the Association. Selections are made from a pool of student applications made available by and with recommendations of the Senior Counselor at Amarillo High School. Rules of Procedures for the Scholarship Endowments are in keeping with current laws and regulations of such accounts and are on file with the Secretary and Treasurer of the Association.
  10. ART COLLECTION: The Board of Directors will work with representatives of Amarillo High School and Amarillo Independent School District to assist in all matters relating to the R. B. Norman Art Collection on exhibit at Amarillo High School.
  11. FINANCIAL ACCOUNTABILITY – The Treasurer/Financial Advisor may be an appointed position (whether a member or non-member of the Association) and will be appointed by the President with approval by the Board.  The holder of this position must be bonded.The Treasurer/Financial Advisor shall maintain all accounts and financial records and shall maintain funds in Board approved bank accounts. Records shall be based on a fiscal year operation from Jan 1, through December 31 annually. Checks under $500 may be signed by the Financial Advisor.  Check over $500 shall be signed by the Financial Advisor and an officer of the Executive Committee of the Board of Directors.The Treasurer/Financial Advisor or his designee shall be the repository of all financial records of the Association.If the appointee is a member of the Association, compensation is limited to reimbursement for expenses only.
  12.  Article II, Section 4. is reworded to reflect the proper name of the Amarillo High School Art Collection which was originally listed as the “R.B. Norman Art Collection”.   Approved by the Board of Directors 4/5/2018

These bylaws were approved pursuant to Article XII hereof, at the quarterly membership meeting held Thursday, February 18, 2016 and shall remain in full force and effect until subsequently amended.
