The Amarillo High School 50th Alumni Association, Inc, a 501 c3 non‑profit organization, was formed in 1989 when a resolution for the formation of the Association was presented during the 50th reunion of the AHS Class of 1938. The organizational meeting was held on June 11, 1989 with more than 52 representatives of AHS classes from 1930 to 1945 attending the meeting.

The need was for an organization to carry on the contacts and have reunions for those classes having passed their 50th reunion since those classes usually lacked the numbers to have a reunion at reasonable prices for hotels and meals. The proposal set forth by the Class of 1938 was for an association open to everyone who had ever attended Amarillo High School, or had close ties to the school. Officers and voting rights were given only to members who had already celebrated their 50th anniversary of when they did, or would have graduated. The purposes of the Association are the following:

To provide a venue for fellowship, interaction and correspondence among former students of AHS, of a class that had attained its 50th anniversary of graduation from Amarillo High School.

  • To foster the enrichment of education at Amarillo High School.
  • To provide scholarships to worthy AHS graduates who present a need for financial assistance to continue their education. In 2016 and 2017 we provided 10 scholarships totaling $8500 each year.
  • To provide funding to help sustain, maintain, and perpetuate the Amarillo High School Art Collection that was started by the late R.B. Norman, Principal at AHS 1929-1961. The Collection is on exhibit at Amarillo High School. Our Association has assisted in the restoration of several paintings, oobtaining more cabinets and better lighting for the cabinets.
  • To provide funding to maintain and perpetuate the Hall of Honor Monument at Amarillo High School, including adding qualified names to the monument. The Monument honors all AHS students who have served in the United States military and qualified names are those former Amarillo High students who lost their lives in a war or other armed conflict while participating in the military service for the United States of America.
  • To provide funding to maintain and perpetuate the Polk Street Schools Historical Marker that was erected by the Association at 12th and Polk.

The Amarillo High School 50th Alumni Association held it’s first reunion in September 1991. Since the first reunion, gatherings have taken place every three years with large numbers coming from al over the United States and some foreign countries. In 2006 and 2009, almost 1000 former Sandies and spouses experienced the reunions. It should be noted that a highlight of the reunions has been the individual class meetings. Each class is given the opportunity to organize a dinner or luncheon for their class on Friday evening or Saturday noon, and we get together with all classes on Saturday evening for a dinner and dance. The Association has General Meetings three times a year to provide members the opportunity to have input regarding governance, projects and to vote on proposals brought up by the Board of Directors. The Meetings are always at 2:30 pm on the third Thursday of February, June and October each year, at a place advertised to the membership at least 15 days prior to the meeting. All Members are encouraged to attend these meetings for fellowship and to give their input on the activities of the Association. The Amarillo High School Alumni Association, Inc can be contacted in the following ways:

Current dues are $10.00 per calendar year, due on January 1st each year.

A couple’s membership is $15.00 per year.


Blow Sand Blow
